Selecting the Right Turfgrass Variety for Your Yard

Southwest Yard & Garden Reprint from 2009. Guest contributor Dr. Bernd Leinauer, NMSU Extension Turfgrass Specialist Clickable links for related columns on irrigating turf and subsurface drip irrigation ! Warm- (tan-colored) and cool-season (green) turfgrasses in late winter. Photo credit “Turfgrass Irrigation” NMSU Extension Circular 660 ( ). A turfgrass research plot in which different turfgrass varieties are evaluated. Photo credit “Turfgrasses for New Mexico” NMSU Extension Guide H-508 ( ). Question: I want to plant a lawn with a grass that uses less water than ryegrass. Do you have any suggestions? - B.L., Raton Answer: Dr. Bernd Leinauer, NMSU Extension Turfgrass Specialist, provided this information. I am frequently asked about plant selection, but this can’t be answer...