Dodder: To Kill or Not to Kill
Southwest Yard & Garden | September 23, 2017
What are the beautiful golden strands that show up from nowhere, and seem to attack the goatheads? Can they be moved from one patch to another where it is not growing yet?
Dodder has
no leaves and no chlorophyll. Therefore it does not photosynthesize. Neither
does it establish roots of
its own. Once dodder attaches, its
haustoria (root-like structures) spread within the host plant stems, allowing
dodder to steal nutrients, sugars, and water.
Keep the questions coming!
What are the beautiful golden strands that show up from nowhere, and seem to attack the goatheads? Can they be moved from one patch to another where it is not growing yet?
B. Stanley, Chaparral, NM
Dodder strands on puncturevine (credit: Dr. Beck) |
Dodder forming mats on weedy roadside (credit: J. French, NMSU Extension Plant Pathology Specialist) |
In order to fully address your
question, I have consulted with NMSU Weed Specialist, Dr. Leslie Beck. Those
golden strands are from a climbing parasitic plant commonly known as dodder of
the genus Cuscuta. It is a close relative of morningglory and
the dreaded field bindweed, which are all in the plant family Convolvulaceae. You may have
seen time-lapse video footage of vine tips making slow, circular, swaying
motions as a way of searching for sturdy branch to climb. Dodder grows in a
similar way.
Dodder germinates from seed in
the soil during the hottest, wettest point in the summer. Once it germinates it
immediately searches for a host. A particular favorite is puncturevine (also
known as ‘goatheads’) which was the subject of last week’s column. Pigweed,
purslane, and common vegetable crops such as tomato, cucurbits, and young
pepper plants are also common hosts. Often found as spooky, pale yellow, noodle-like mats growing
on top of weeds along roadsides and in areas of high foot traffic where the
soil is more compacted and native species have a hard time getting established.
Flowers of
dodder develop throughout the summer, depending on location and moisture, and
are very small and whitish in color. If conditions remain favorable, each
flower produces a basket-like pod with 2 to 4 seeds. Seeds have been known to stay viable for as
long as twenty years while waiting for an opportune time to
sprout and parasitize a new host plant.
Dodder forming mat on puncturevine and pigweed (credit: Dr. Beck) |
If you want to get rid of dodder
in your yard, the best way to eradicate dodder is to kill or remove the host
plant if it is considered a weed, ideally, before dodder produces its own seed.
Dodder is short-lived in our area. It does not overwinter inside the host plant
tissues. Therefore, interrupting the life cycle prior to seed production is the
best way to control dodder.
Dodder flowers in San Juan County (credit: Dr. Beck) |
While dodder infects
puncturevine, like any good parasite, it does not cause enough damage quickly
enough to prevent the production of new goathead seed (which can remain dormant
in the soil for approximately seven years).
Even though it will not completely control puncturevine, biological
control of weedy species is an important part of an overall integrated pest management
strategy. Combining multiple practices
to injure a target weed is the best method for successful and sustainable weed
If you want to encourage dodder
spread, the best practice is to let it form and drop seed for the next monsoon.
Theoretically, you can collect dodder seed and disperse it along weedy patches
on your property. Attempts to physically move dodder in order to control a new
host are not likely to work since the tender haustoria will be ripped in the
![]() |
Dodder haustoria penetrating the stem of a host plant. (credit J. French, NMSU Extension Plant Pathology Specialist) |
Keep the questions coming!
Marisa Y. Thompson, PhD, is the Extension Horticulture
Specialist, in the Department of Extension Plant Sciences at the New Mexico
State University Los Lunas Agricultural Science Center, office: 505-865-7340,
ext. 113.
more gardening information, visit
the NMSU Extension Horticulture page at Desert Blooms.
Send gardening questions to Southwest Yard and
Garden - Attn: Dr. Marisa Thompson at,
or at the Desert
Blooms Facebook page (@NMDesertBlooms)
Please copy your County Extension Agent and
indicate your county of residence when you submit your question!
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