Weevil-Minded Goathead Control
Southwest Yard & Garden
By Dr. Marisa Thompson with guest contributor
Dr. Leslie Beck
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Question: I moved here from Massachusetts
last August and was late in identifying the cute plant with the yellow flowers
as the source of so much pain for myself, my daughter, and my cats. I heard
about weevils that attack this weed. Should I try to get some?
- Pamela
Answer: It sounds like you’re experiencing
the joys of puncturevines (aka goatheads). Welcome to the Land of Enchantment!
Note: “goatheads” is pronounced “goat-heads,” not “goa-theads” like my friend said
when she first moved here.
pretty yellow flowers are deceptive. The only good thing about getting a
few dozen goatheads stuck in the soles of your shoes is the opportunity to do a
little sarcastic tap dance. I call it the Puncturevine Shuffle.
NMSU Extension Weed Specialist Dr. Leslie Beck, NMSU Extension Entomology
Specialist Dr. Carol Sutherland, and I have written several columns about puncturevine
problems, including “The Early Bird Catches the Weed,” “Get Your Goat(heads): Control Puncturevine Before it Controls You,” and “Dodder: To Kill or Not to Kill” (those are clickable links!).
I invited Dr. Beck to tell us more about this weevil wonder that’s
offering a glimmer of hope in our collective consciousness: “Ah yes,
puncturevine. It is definitely the time of year for goathead inquiries—and injuries.
Your interest in the puncturevine weevil as a biocontrol agent is
understandable. When it comes to weed management, biological control is a good tool
to have in your tool belt, if available for your target weed. There are
actually two puncturevine weevils: one that bores into the stem and one that
eats the seeds. Alas, they just don’t cause enough damage at a quick enough
pace to control the weed all by themselves. The stem weevil doesn’t stop the development
of flowers (which quickly form seeds). And the seed weevil, probably already in
your soil feeding on goathead seeds, are not feeding at a fast enough pace to
prevent germination.
[I'm not sure which is the lesser of two weevils. ;) ]
[I'm not sure which is the lesser of two weevils. ;) ]
“Long story short, you most likely already have both of these biocontrol
weevils feeding on your puncturevine as we speak, and they’re helping, but they
won’t have the ability to control the weed by themselves. It’s not ecologically
smart for the little buggers to kill their host and then be without habitat or sustenance.
Thus, they don’t. As a result, I wouldn’t recommend trying to find additional
populations of the weevils to introduce into your yard. They are already pretty
prolific in New Mexico.
“Luckily, puncturevine is one of those summer annual weeds that
responds well to physical damage and removal without the use of herbicides.
They have a shallow root system, and the stems cannot root as they spread, so
the entire mat of a single plant can be traced easily back to the central
taproot and removed. [Easily, but not painlessly.]
“The important thing to consider with summer annual weeds like
puncturevine is to manage them before seeds develop. When you see flowers, think
of them as a red alert to kill the plant now before it’s too late and a new
generation of seeds has been sown. This is especially important for
puncturevine since the seed can live for 7 or more years in your soil prior to
producing a plant.”
Multiple garden tools can help with puncturevine control, from
hula hoes (aka scuffle or stirrup hoes) to weed-whackers. Wear personal
protective equipment if you use a powered weed-whacker, or you’ll be sorry—those
devil seeds fly like ninja stars. I’m a big fan of the Hori Hori gardening
knife and the heron weeder, formerly known as the hooke ‘n crooke, and I get a
spark of joy when flipping goathead mats upside down to shrivel in the sun with
the exposed taproots pointing straight up in the air.
Dr. Beck warns, “It will be pretty labor-intensive at first, but
if you are consistent in your practices in removing the plant before seed
production you will notice the populations diminishing and getting easier to
manage as the years progress.”
gardening questions to Southwest Yard and Garden -
Attn: Dr. Marisa Thompson at desertblooms@nmsu.edu,
or at the Desert
Blooms Facebook page (@NMDesertBlooms)
copy your County
Extension Agent and indicate your county of residence when you
submit your question!
more gardening information, visit the NMSU Extension Horticulture page
at Desert
Thanks for this timely & useful info!
ReplyDeleteWhere can I find/but these weevils to kill my goatheads and will they kill the sunflowers that my granddaughter is trying to grow??