Willow Cone Gall Midges: More Charm than Harm
Southwest Yard and Garden
By Dr. Marisa Thompson
Cone galls on coyote willows just outside Abiquiu on December 1, 2019. Photo credits M. Thompson.
-Malcolm S., Visiting New Mexico for Thanksgiving Holiday
Answer: At
first glance, I thought either these aren’t cones or these aren’t willow trees
because willows don’t have cones like this, or buds like this either. Full
disclosure, the question this week came from my cousin, Malcolm, and I was
standing right there next to him. I had noticed the small, multi-trunked trees
and assumed they were our native coyote willows (Salix exigua). But I hadn’t noticed that many of these small trees
lining the dry streambed were covered in miniature cone structures.
Had these “cones” been dangling
and covered in leaf debris—like a shaggy grey-brown ornament—I would have
thought they’re a form of bagworm. The structures bagworms make look like leafy
sleeping bags hanging from branches that sway in the breeze, but the ones on
these willow trees were attached firmly, weren’t hanging at all, and were
harder and more solid-feeling than the bagworms I’ve collected. (For more info
on bagworms, check out NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic publications at https://aces.nmsu.edu/ces/plantclinic/ornamental-turf--guides.html).
I guessed that they might be
caused by some kind of gall insect, so Malcolm and I peeled the tight leaf
layers off of one and, sure enough, right there hunkered down in the middle was
a tiny white larva, about the size of a grain of rice.
Willow cone gall midge larva snuggled deep inside its cone-like shelter. Photo credit Malcolm Stuart. |
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A handful of cone galls collected from a single coyote willow on December 1, 2019. Photo credit M. Thompson. |
I collected about 20 of them and
stuffed them in my coat pocket. Once we got home, I checked my handy reference
book “Insects and Diseases of Woody Plants in Colorado,” published by Colorado
State University Extension. I love this book for several reasons, one of which is
that it has a section in the back called “Diagnostic Key to Some of the More
Common Woody Plant Disorders.” This section is organized by plant species, so I
searched under “Willow (Salix spp.).”
Within each species section the key is further divided into which part of the
plant is affected (e.g., affecting leaves or affecting trunk). Under “Affecting
twigs,” one of the descriptions was “Cone-like gall at end of twig... Willow
conegall midges, page 146.” Bingo.
These cone gall midges (Order
Diptera, Family Cecidomyiidae), also spelled conegall, are flies that, in
larval form, bite on the twig tips of various native willows—not humans. And
these tiny bites, made in the early spring, cause the entire twig to stop
elongating, but leaves continue to form. The growth is so compact, without
internodes between the leaves, that they form these tight cone-like or
pineapple-like tips. Yes, you read that correctly. As the reference book states
on page 146, “The larvae feed on the terminal growth of willow and prevent the
stems from normally elongating… Feeding by the larvae causes the bud to cease
further development, remaining bud-like but still capable of directing plant
nutrients to the tissues. The bud swells as the small fly larva develops within
a cavity in the bud. The larva spends the winter in the gall and pupates in the
early spring.” How cool is that?!
I searched
the NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic database for willow gall samples that might
have been submitted in recent years. I didn’t find this willow cone gall midge, but I did find many samples that
have been diagnosed as being gall-related. Gall-making midge larvae in swollen
piñon needles and gnarled oak leaf midges from oak trees in Bernalillo County
were reported this year. I’ve seen galls on fourwing saltbush, netleaf
hackberry trees, and ash tree branches too. When searching for evidence of
galls on your landscape plants, look for wart-like bumps on leaves as well as pineapple tips
on willows. If you find
some, share them with your County Extension Agent (https://aces.nmsu.edu/county/). But don’t worry too much. As Dr. Carol Sutherland, NMSU Extension
Entomology Specialist and NMDA Entomologist, advised in the reports for those
piñon and oak samples submitted to the NMSU Plant Diagnostic Clinic, there’s no
need to try to control them. These gall-makers are not harming their host.
Coyote willow trees in a dry streambed near Abiquiu are short, multi-trunked trees that happen to be covered in hundreds of cone galls. Photo credit M. Thompson.
A few more photos of the gall-encrusted willow branches:
For more gardening information, including
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Marisa Thompson, PhD, is the Extension
Horticulture Specialist for New Mexico State University and is based at the
Agricultural Science Center at Los Lunas.
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